Thursday, April 28, 2011

Dream Come True

Ever since I was 14 I have wanted to be a flight attendant. My dream job. I just have never taken the leap to go for it. It scares me, not ideal for what I want in life. Well, out of the blue opportunity jumped at me. I couldn't resist. I decided, you know maybe this is something that could be good for me. So I am going to be interviewing on MONDAY with sky west! WISH ME LUCK!!!! Oh and of course PRAY FOR ME :)!

Friday, April 22, 2011


I don't find myself to be creative. I am also definitely not one of those people that wins things. But my dad's work was having a competition, in celebration of earth day. He convinced me to submit my "Art." I was hesitant and scared. But I decided why not? What's there to lose. Guess what? I WON!!!!!!

I have made a handful of these, and this one sorta got destroyed. Not my best. But way fun to make, and have a blast doing it.


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Love is a LEAP of Faith

On my mind lately, taking that Leap into Love.

This is one of the hardest things for me! I push every potential away... at first... Then I have to lecture myself over and over again, and open myself up and just go for it, take that leap, jump off that cliff, trust that guy, give myself to him.


But in the end... IT'S ALWAYS AMAZING! ALWAYS WORTH IT. PURE BLISS. Happy endings so far? None have worked out... BUT, I wouldn't take anything back. It was all filled with so much goodness. I learned so much, I grew so much, and I am part of who I am because of those experiences.

So it's been on my mind lately, a lot of friends are getting married, are dating around, are single, just got dumped, are in "Official Relationships", some just straight up hate love.

How far would you go? How big of a leap would you take? Is giving your whole self to someone worth it, even if it doesn't work out to happily ever after?
How much rejection is enough? How much heart break is too much heart break? How much will you go through?

What if you didn't take the leap? I hate "what ifs" so to me, I don't want a single what if in my life. So, I think, TAKE THE LEAP!!!!! Even if you make a FOOL of yourself. Then you will never have to wonder what would of happened if you just went for it!!! Never wonder what life would of been like with that person! Never wonder what could of been. :) Never have a single REGRET.

To take the leap? Or to not take the leap?

"Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart."
~ Confucius

'Take a Leap' by Dan Richards from Ryan Dean on Vimeo.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

To Take A Leap

Freedom, Risk, Happiness, Passion, Faith, Chance, Random, Unknown, New, Daring, Progress, Destiny, Dreams, To Live, Achievement, Naive, Love, Accomplishment, Opportunity, Delight, Life Change, Adventure.

What does it mean to take a leap to you?

To dare is to lose one's footing momentarily. To not dare is to lose oneself. ~Soren Kierkegaard

To some taking a leap, or a risk, jumping off that cliff into something unknown, is not in the cards for them. As for me, it's the only way to live. From now on out, I am going to live my life, taking leaps. With God on my side, everything will work out. My future is spotless, and I am ecstatic!
Take this journey with me into the unknown, share your experiences as I share mine. :)
I want this to be something inspirational, helpful, and enjoyable. With everyone's help it will be just that!